Monday, July 17, 2006

Living a Life of Worship

This past week at camp God showed me that worship is a life that reflects what's right and God's greatness. I have always known that we are to live a life of worship, but had never heard it put this way before. I found that it's not just telling God how great he is - it's SHOWING him how great he is.
--Worship is for God.
When we come through the door of worship we are humbled before God and we come through saying we are blessed and ask him in return, how can we bless him. By doing this we become a servant. We become his servant by going out and living a life of worship and sharing with others what God has done for us and bringing glory to his name. Sometimes we come into worship and soak it up and keep it all to ourselves. By doing this we classify oursleves as a sponge.
... so what are you... a sponge or a servant?-- I choose to be a servant.
We have to also ask... What does God want?-- Since worship is for God.
How would it change our life if we wanted nothing more that to make God happy?... it has changed my life a lot... instead of worrying what music I like to sing on Sunday mornings or what I thought about the preacher's message... I now ask myself... Is this what God wants?... because what I wants doesn't matter.
We should want and have the desire to give God everything we've got and continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise. (Hebrews 13:15) Even when things are messed up because we live in a messed up world we are still to give him praise and bring glory to his name because God s bigger than this messed up world that we live in-- in order to do this we have to come through the door of worship.