Sunday, August 06, 2006


JOY is a FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT and HAPPINESS is a CHOICE. You can have both, but you can also have one without the other. If you are prioritizing your life to the reason of your existence, which is to bring to God the glory that He deserves, then you will discover a joy that is unexplainable. With that joy you must find that feeling inside of you that makes you who you are. Wether it be sad, happy, mad, ect. It's ok to be sad or mad at times, but it's happiness that makes you out to be a likeable person. I find myself a lot here lately being down about the situations around me and think to myself about how if I didn't have joy in my life, how miserable I would be. God gives us all kinds of emotions... but in the midst of these emotions I've found that because of the joy that God has given me, that I can always find happiness in every situation. Those who choose to not live their life for the purpose of their existence will find themeselves with no joy.