Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Finding that Prince Charming

Never just settle for a guy who doesn't meet up to the standards you've set for what you want your future husband to be like. I many times have been at fault for this, but have realized that all it takes is patience. I am the type of person who always likes for things to be done right when I want them done and have very little patience when it comes to waiting. I learned though that God's timing doesn't always meet up with our timing. As long as we are pasionately pursuing God and chasing after him, he will put everything else into place.

In order to find that Prince Charming, start praying for him right now. Pray for him to grow in his walk with the Lord, and pray for him to be a man after God's own heart. While we are praying God is preparing him to be a true man's man, a giant, one to look up to, a hero, a leader, strong, steady, dependable and one that you could place your life and the lives of your children into his capable and loving hands with no regrets or fears

With patience and God's timing, he will show up. Don't look for him, God will send him to you. So, finding the man of your dreams is easier than we make it out to be... all we have to do is pray and wait.

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