Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Our Daily Conflict: The Spirit vs The Flesh

So there is a spiritual struggle going on inside every person at all times. Before we are born-again and Christ lives in our heart by the person of the Holy Spirit, we have no choice but to follow the sinful path because we are fallen creatures, cursed because of Adam's sin, and unable to display the Glory of God. We are a slave to sin.
Rom 3:23 (KJV)
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

BUT, once we repent of our sin, both the actions and the condition of sin, and turn away from them, and invite Jesus Christ to come into our hearts and to make us born again, then we get a new life from God, and the Holy Spirit comes to live inside us. We still may be tempted to sin, but now the Holy Spirit in us gives us the power to say "No" to sin. It is then our job to continually say "no" to every temptation to sin, and there will be a lot of them, and let the "saying no" become a habit, replacing the old habit of just giving in to sin.

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