Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Yes Lord!"

"Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save me from this hour?' No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!" -John 12:27-28

At the beginning of this it is clear that Jesus did not want to die on the cross. We see this when he says that his heart is troubled. He even asks God if God himself will save him from having to die on the cross. Jesus knew though that for the very reason He had come here, was to die on the cross.
Many times as Christians we face things that we necessarily don't want to face. Being a Christian and being like Christ isn't always easy. As humans we naturally want to run from the things that God may be asking us to do. It's important that we learn to walk in obedience and say "Yes, Lord!" Walking in obedience takes faith and courage and doesn't just come over night. This is something that we have to work at. When we come to the point to where we automatically say, "Yes, Lord" and not think twice about saying when God tells us something is when we find ourselves right in the middle of God's will. When we find ourselves in the center of God's will, this is when God's glory is revealed, which is our ultimate purpose here on Earth. This purpose is to bring glory to His name!

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