Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wow! This is the only word that I can really say right now. Over the past couple of weeks, God has really showed me so much.
It's amazing how God works and uses different things to show himself. All we have to do is listen and he makes it so clear. I couldn't even begin telling you how awesome it is to be able to clearly see what God's plans are and how everything just comes together on his time.
A friend was asking me earlier how I know that what I was hearing was really God. The only way I knew how to describe it was by saying that I have a peace about it and that I just now. You can't really describe it. One thing I do know for sure is that our God is not a God of confusion and that if we seek him and pursue him, he will guide and direct our paths. We just have to open ourselves up to him and allow him to speak.
It's hard many times for us to not let what WE want get in the way of what HE wants. We have to put all of our selfishness behind us and look to him for all of the answers.

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