Sunday, October 04, 2009

Giving God What He Deserves

We need to stop worshiping things that don't really matter. We have only got on shot at this thing called life. Everday we worship something, but we need to often take a look at what it is that we are worshiping.
Each and everyday that we get up, we should be giving our very best LIFE of worship to God. Too often we try to do our own thing and then give God whatever we've got left. In other words, we just like to serve God when it is conveniet for us.
God is very plain in his word, God does not want or does not derserve our leftovers.
Does God look at our worship and ask us, "Is that all you got?" -- for the Creator of the Universe, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords? God deserves more than that. He deserves our very best. Giving him our best consists of living a life of worship, giving God our very best, on a daily basis.
How about you? What are you worshiping with your life?
It's about time that we give God more thatn our leftovers and give Him the best that we have to give.
I don't want to hear God ask, "Is that all you got?" When I get to heaven I don't want to be on my knees trying to scrape up a little puddle that's left and give it to God.

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