Sunday, October 04, 2009

God is Bigger

We live in a messed up world, but God is bigger than this messed up world. Even when things are messed up, we are still supposed to praise him and bring glory to his name. This is a hard thing to do. Especially when we are going through hard times. We often get wrapped up in feeling sorry for ourselves and miss what God might be trying to show us. There is never anything that God can't take care of. We just have to learn to turn it all over to Him and to trust that He is in control.
How great is our God? Is he not great enough to take care of us? He controls our every heartbeat and he can stop it at any point. Is this not enough to remind us of how he is control? It should also be a reminder of how we should fear God. He holds my heartbeat, my life and when I've sinned and am entering the pits of Hell, he holds and saves me... this is enough for me to trust and have faith in him.

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