Thursday, October 08, 2009

Life Sometimes Stinks!

Just being honest, life sometimes just straight up stinks! This past week has been really hard and I'm ready for it to finally be over. Fall break comes tomorrow and I don't think that it can get here quick enough.
Sometimes life can get so tiring and we wonder why certain things may happen and we don't always understand why God allows these things to happen. The good thing is that we never have to go through it alone. Life brings many obstacles that we must overcome and with those obstacles we must learn to keep our eyes on God. For every mountain there is a valley, and this is something that we must also keep in mind. Life isn't always going to be hard. Just look ahead and keep in mind that there are better days to come.
I struggle with this all of the time. It's so easy to get discouraged and to let the ways of life get you down, but if we put all of our trust and faith in the Lord, he will see us through it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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