Sunday, October 25, 2009

Many times we find ourselves in stressful situations and these stressful situations usually bring choices that we must make. God allows us to make choices, and many times we choose wrong. God doesn't force his people into making the right decisions. He gives us guidance and from the we can either choose to obey or go with the ways of the world. Instead of always asking God to make our situations better, we must learn to fully surrender our problems to him. Only God knows what's ahead and if we listen to him we will always find ourselves in the right places. He will never abandon us during these times and we can always find him by our sides... God will always be there to help us through.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i only skimmed your blog, but its amazing. you are very strong in your walk with Christ.
i used to be a good friend of trevors, and when i saw you two were dating, i felt the smallest twinge of the green monster, the devil himself knocking on my door.
After reading some of these are strongly approve. Trevor is a wonderful Godly man and deserves a woman equally as strong.
I admire you and your walk, and I hope that one day soon I can be that strong.
God bless you in all that you do.