Thursday, September 03, 2009


"In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple."
Luke 14:33

Hmm... I read this during my devotion today and it made me think...

Have I been giving my everything to God? What does this mean?... Surrender. Surrendering my life to him means to let go of whatever has been holding me back from what God wants for my life. Surrendering to God means to let him take complete control of my life and acknowledging that I own nothing, it's all His. If I lived my life like this and completely did away with the thought that I control my life and let go of all of my selfishness, I would automatically want God's way first.

When walking in complete surrender to God, we must also walking in obedience. No matter what it is that God wants of us we have to learn to respond with one answer, "Yes Lord!" This is such a hard thing to do. Especially when it's something that requires us to step out of our comfort zone. The cool thing is that we can never go wrong walking in obedience to God.

This is a hard topic for me. I like to be in control, but I often get lost in what I want instead of what God wants for me. I yearn to live a life of complete surrender and I know that although it may seem hard when thinking about giving EVERYTHING up and giving it to God, but in the end it's all worth it.

Help me to live a life of complete surrender. I don't own anything and I know that it is all yours. I give you complete control of everything in my life.

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